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Love their file recovery software

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 1:55 pm
by Joep

I have had my hands on literally hundreds of file recovery tools and I must say that I love ReclaiMe File Recovery!

Every once and a while I fall in love with a software, maybe once every ten years .. And I fell for ReclaiMe. Maybe it's the female touch, I don't know. I made file recovery software myself and I tend to stuff it with configuration options, drop downs, check-boxes and what not. None of that all in ReclaiMe! Select the disk/device and click start. That's it.

Apart from that, it's super efficient. It works with everything I throw at it. It's super smart, an example:

There are many tools that do a file system scan + a RAW scan (signature based). But ReclaiMe does it the smart way! It does both at the same time. However, and this is the smart thing, it does not produce duplicates. Say it picks up a JPEG by signature. It adds that to the RAW tree. However, as soon as it detects the same file using the file system scan, it add's it to the directory tree and removes the entry from the RAW branch.

9 out of 10 times you don't have to sit out the entire scan. Often 2 - 3% into the scan the entire directory tree is there. And you can almost immediately start previewing and recovering files.

IMO it's superior end user software. I will not claim it's better than for example R-Studio, but for a novice so much easier to use! Everything is designed with an end user in mind. How many know what S.M.A.R.T. is? My guess is many won't. So rather than explain it to them and show a SMART warning, ReclaiMe pulls the SMART status of a disk and will only bother you if there's some kind of trouble (disk icon turns red).

And if you get the ultimate version, you've got support for every file system you can think of and it even does NAS disks/arrays!