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Upcoming Update - New Seagate DM Series Feature Coming?

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 5:42 pm
by lcoughey
I grabbed this from a Facebook post by MRT. I'm curious to know if it is really something new that isn't even supported by PC3000 or if is it just another way of saying that they are catching up to PC3000 with DM series support.
In the coming update, MRT adds a pioneering function: virtual boot, which can be used to recovery part DM series hdds.
A typical problem on DM001 and DM003 is that when power is on and the hdd seems ready, but the capacity is shown as 3.8gb and can't operate any command.
Now users can solve this problem with virtual boot.
PS: Chinese version was released, English version will be released soon.
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